The Greatest Hits of 2018

The stories we kept coming back to again and again this year.

Published: Dec 24, 2018

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You shouldn't bottle up your feelings at work. A text to your boss is a smart move to let him or her know you tried to reach out, without being annoying. Oh, and those thoughts swirling in your head that you aren't good enough? Apparently, a lot of leaders have them, too.

With the year ending, and another one around the corner, we decided to grab our top 10 stories of the year. Not surprisingly, many focused on the day-to-day, nuanced conundrums we face in the workplace: how to let coworkers know when you're upset; if unlimited vacation is actually a trap; and what to do when you've made it through the job-search gauntlet, only to realize you want to turn down the job offer.

Below, our greatest hits that we hope got your ahead-or will soon.

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